Manipulating Reality

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  • #17540

    My favorite camera store had a bargain bin with filters for only $2! I stocked up, before even realizing what each filter could do. I recently purchased a Polarizing filter, which I love. I thought I would show the same feather with three different colored filters…

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Wonderful assignment. I’m happy you posted the same picture using three different filters. It’s interesting to see how the different flirters handled the colors of the peacock feather differently. I also agree that a polarizing filter is a must in every photographers toolbox. You can get them for virtually any type of camera and they are very reasonable in terms of price. You can often find them for between $2 – $30.

    Polarizing lenses are great because they help not only get rid of distracting reflections allowing the photographer to shoot through windows, or to capture the beauty of water without reflection but they also pull out the most vibrant of colors and make skies look incredibly dramatic (both with clouds and without).

    If the colors become too vibrant for your liking you can always tone them down in post production using adobe or other editing systems.

    I like seeing both the color spectrum and the composition of these three photographs. However, now what I would like to see you do it move away from macro photography and compose images with more complex backgrounds. The real beauty of photography starts to unfold when you start learning how to organize chaos using the same principles you’re using in your close up photography.

    All the best

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