Motion and Depth Pics

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  • #18319

    Here are my submissions for this assignment, I was fortunate to get a grate shot of these birds where 4 of them captured showed different rages of motion as well as what looks like the stages of a single bird taking flight.

    My second Picture was taken right out side my door. I wanted to give a a view the distance I walk to use restroom facilities as my CHU (Containerized Housing Unit (pronounced “choo”) has no indoor pluming. This Picture (I think) has a visual affect of near endless path. going form the close wide view of the walls on the right and the CHU’s on the left to an almost merging point with a small glimpse of light that divides them as you follow the dirt and rocky path, which gives a good depth perception.

    The third Picture I submitted was my back up. I am submitting it any ways as i found it to be a good picture. what I like about it is that, with the know how of how to manipulate your camera you can make the ugly duckling in to the beautiful swan. one would never of guesses that thees vibrant flowers actually cam from a weed that tends to grows sparsely out in this desert.


    I also was messing around with watermarking and managed to put it on the pic but could not figure out hoe to take it off lol. next time I’ll make a copy 🙂

    Duncan Rawlinson

    On the watermarking…

    Always make sure you are always doing “non destructive editing”.

    Meaning you’re never working on your master files themselves. Adobe Lightroom and Aperture do this be default.

    Now onto the images.

    The photo of the flower / weed shows that you understand how to achieve relatively shallow depth of field. So that’s good. Obviously the watermark isn’t great but I think we’ve addressed that.

    Your shot of the birds taking off is good but it could be much better.

    To make this photo better you could have framed it in such a way that the red thing in the background wasn’t there. Also the wheels don’t help.

    Another issue with this frame is that the colors are very drab.

    More color, a cleaner frame, and getting closer would have improved this image.

    Now the image does convery some motion but I have to squint to see it!

    Get closer to the birds next time 🙂

    Your last photo is certainly the most interesting of the group. You’ve achieved large depth of field and night and created an interesting image. To improve this image you could have added somehting for a sense of scale. I have never been to this place and don’t know how small or large everything is. If there are no people in your frame always try to add something for scale. A bicycle leaning against the wall or really anything. I suppose the doorway almost serves that purpose but it’s cropped along the top.

    Whatever the case, it’s your most interesting image by far.

    You’ve shown that you understand the goals of the assignment here so job well done.

    Shoot more photos like the last one, just be careful shooting at night please!

    See you on the next assignment.

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