My inspiration

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    To be honest, I really had to think about this assignment. I have never really studied any of the photography masters, but I am inspired by crisp, clean lines and colorful subjects. I love to see a crisp foreground and a blurry background, where the foreground really pops and draws your eye. I am inspired by portraits, not taken in a studio but in a natural setting – pictures of children in their surroundings doing everyday ordinary things.

    I also love landscape photography and event photography, such as wedding photos – not taken in the usual way but taken outside in a field of flowers or taken out of the ordinary setting. I love to capture the moment, to tell a story. Photos like the ones below inspire me to want to take better photographs. With two children, I always have some sort of event that I want to capture on film and I don’t just simply want a standard photograph – I want to look back at that photo 10-20 years from now and let the photo take me back to that time so vividly that it is like being there again. You only get that one moment and I want to freeze that moment in time.

    I know this doesn’t really talk about one artist in particular, but as I stated I have never really studied any of the photography masters closely so I couldn’t say that I was inspired by one when really what inspires me is my surroundings, my family and friends, and my life in general!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Beautiful examples of photographs. Thank you for sharing this.

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