My inspiration

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    Personally, I believe that inspiration from someone is
    coming on the grounds that their own personality coincided with that person. Whether it’s grandma, dad or a great photographer.
    I love nature but are stuck on people and forms. Of course, I love Ansel Adams and i love his Zone System.I love Annie Leibovitz because of her approach to people and her experimentation with the scene. And many others.
    But there is one for me that will inspire me forever, Margaret Bourke White!
    She was Ansel, Annie, Robert Capa in one for me.
    For me, she was artist and uncompromising photo journalist who took resorted to extreme to get a picture.
    Her story is well known but I love to read about her meeting with Gandi, her pictures of goldminers in Africa or pictures of Eskimos in Canada.
    I love her adventures by the U.S. during the depression period.
    But her early industrial photographs, steel and forms that combine visual elegance with great technical skill.
    She was extraordinary, hard working photographer, she is my inspiration for ever.( And my dad to, but he is another story).
    When I think about, I wonder if I found her in myself, that I am as
    like as she. I know, I have to go a long way to come near her, but I want to take that path, I’m so sure.

    Adrijana a.k.a Adde

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Great. Thank you for sharing this with us. If other students are interested in looking through her work you can do so here:

    I also really liked your articulation of the idea that our personalities collide with our mentors. Well said!

    Thank you for sharing this.

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