My Inspiration

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    What has inspired my fascination with photography, I would have to say actually began 19 years ago when my daughter was born. I took her to have photos taken every 2 months so by the time she was a year old and we went in to get her 1 year portrait made is when it all changed for me. I started seeing photography in a different way.
    We went in the the Olan Mills studio where we always went. The photographer took so many shots and when my daughter got tired and stuck her thumb in her mouth the photographer got mad and sad she wouldn’t take anymore unless she took her thumb out of her mouth. So we both tried to coax her into taking the thumb out to no avail. So I told the photographer to just take the shot with her thumb in her mouth. She refused and I said “who is paying for these pictures”. She reluctantly took the shot. When I returned to view the proofs, the one the amazed me was the one with her thumb in her mouth. I must say that it was the only picture I bought. That one shot stood out more to me than all the poses she did that day. I can’t remember any other shot but that one. It was natural and I still have that photo and look at it everyday on the wall and think of that moment that it captured.
    From that day forward, I took the pictures of my daughter in a natural setting. I guess you could say that, that Olan Mills photograher inspired me. I do not know her name but she opened my eyes to the natural side of photography. I was unable to pursue a career at that time but over the years my love & fascination grew stronger. Now I have the time to learn more. I love all the Landscape photographers. Old school architecture really grabs me & inspires me to research and find the age and history of it. The old buildings have more character than the new buildings. City scape photos especially at night, bridges, beaches, sunset & sunrise really amazes me. I watch them both everyday and everyday it is different and more beautiful. I get inspired by every photo I see. I don’t just look at it, I take something from it and think of how I would have taken that shot.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    What’s exciting for me to hear you say is the word “natural” when you’re referencing portraits. The best portrait photographers in the world are masters not only at the technical components of portrait photography (lighting, poses, backdrops, aperture etc), but they are “masters” because they capture the true “essence” of a person. Portraits don’t need to be manufactured poses with smiles and tilted heads and “this shoulder” being more foreword. The best portraits capture the “real” mannerisms, facial expressions and feelings of the moment.

    I want you to look at a famous portrait photographer at the link I’m providing you below.

    This is the portrait photographer Yousuf Karsh who is best known for his portrait of Winston Churchill. Please read this article below. You’ll learn so much from this photographer and his theories on portrait photography.

    Great assignment. I really enjoyed reading about your experience.

    All the best and keep up the good work.


    Thanks for the link to the story on Yousuf Karsh. I enjoyed reading it.

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