osprey’s nest – hue-saturation

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  • #18050


    Duncan Rawlinson


    I love seeing your progress as a photographer. This image reminds me of your large landscape from lesson 4. However, this image maintained detail in the lighter areas of the composition. From a technical standpoint I see your progress not only in the creative department, but also in the technical department. You have not blown out any area of white in the photograph, you have 4 clean walls, you’ve worked with a limited color palette, you’ve used both line and pattern to help simplify your composition and you have incorporated a strong sense of depth. Great work!

    The changes you’ve made to this image do not seem dramatic at all. In the title you’ve mentioned you’ve edited both the hue and saturation levels of the image.

    My guess is that you’ve turned your saturation down slightly which has helped you give the photograph a less lively feel. I really like this. I think the environment is dark and dreary, almost mysterious even!

    The colors, the minimalism, the saturation: All of these technical elements help support the main emotional tone of your image. It’s not a bright and cheerful image and your editing should reflect that, just as you’ve done!

    Great work!

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