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  • #17924

    This weekend I’ve been working with drama. I have made many pictures. But…
    It would be forbidden to work so hard and thinking so quickly. Each lesson is a challenge and it will start spinning in my head. What now? And then at night I start to dream of different screamed scenario. Tomorrow I take the camera and suddenly … I do not know what I dreamed about or what to do. For a sense of time. And then I start working. And take many pictures. Of all the litter, only ten percent is good. But that’s to many also. Now begins spinning in my head again. Good, bad. Poor me. No, all are good, no, all are bad .. until they are all edited. Now, suddenly, all is good. It hurts in my head again. You should choose a picture. O my God… And a right picture…

    Now I’ll explain what i,m working with. My dad is a stingy bastard. He wanted me to become a doctor
    ( but, I,m a born photographer, I think).
    So, because of school, he bought (at the flea market ) 5 pieces digital cameras for exactly $30 US dollars (read;30 bucks) Among them was an old Toshiba PDR-M70 3.3 Mp. I can not switched lenses. But I can use filters. So. I use CPL filters and warm 85th Thankfully, the camera has full manual setting. So, all my pictures I am doing with a 3,3 Mega Pixels camera that costs $ 6 (six)U.S.
    In order to get dramatic pictures in my camera bag I always have a strong reflector lamp, lots of batteries. Tripod also. So I made the picture of me , my friend “Crying” Charlotte and Homeless Man. Plus fifty bucks.

    Thank you very much for your comments and direction.


    Duncan Rawlinson

    Beautiful series of photographs.

    In my opinion, this is your best work yet. I’m drawn towards the first two images in particular. The first image is very simple in it’s focus, but the composition is full of information. It’s rich with texture, story, color, age and you’ve used beautiful lighting for this shot. The lighting is bouncing up slightly to expose the subject’s eyes. There is a deep sense that there is both beauty and struggle in this character. He maintains a contradictory presence: seemingly appeaing to hold on visually to a look of the past while having the worn look of someone who’s been thrown a few curve balls by life.

    It’s hard to be indifferent to this character and therefore you’re visual story is engaging. This is the element I love most about this particular shot. You’ve managed to combine both strong composition with a story. This is what photography is about! Congratulations.

    You do have a bit of a burnt out area on your subject’s nose, but it actually fits into the grainy and old look of the shot. However, for future reference please see our blog post on latitude here:


    Your last two images are also very good. As stated earlier, I’m drawn towards the image with the graffiti in the background more because the compositional objects work together to tell your story. You have a subject in your foreground seeming to suffer. Yet, your backdrop is of a happy (slightly menacing) cartoon character. I find this visual contradiction interesting and engaging.

    Overall, great work on this series!

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