Polarized Filter

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  • #18178

    Hi Again! I bought a Polarized Filter. Although, I’m not sure if I can tell a difference. these were the 2 shots I took… but I am going to play around again tonight to see if I can take a picture and actually see a difference. So with that being said… here are my photos for Lesson #4! Have a great day! :mrgreen:

    Duncan Rawlinson

    We are in Australia shooting photos so we’ll be delayed in getting back to you. Sorry about this 🙁

    We haven’t forgotten about your assignment and we’ll critique it as soon as we can.

    Thanks for your patience.


    Australia???? And why weren’t your students invited??? LOL! Have a great time! :mrgreen:


    I took 2 more photos… one with and one without the polarized filter.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Re: your first post:

    Hi Lyzzie,

    This assignment was to get you to try out using your favorite filter.

    In this case you’ve purchased a polarizer.

    Polarizer filters essentially have laser etched lines on them to take certain parts of the light spectrum and shoot them out to the side, away from your camera’s sensor. These lines are too small to see but they’re very good at diverting light.

    Given that, one thing you can do with a polarizer filter is to remove reflections.

    For example, if you have to shoot something through glass you can use this filter to remove the reflection on the glass’ surface.

    You may have to play around with the filter and rotate it until you have done so.

    In the case of the photos you posted it’s hard to tell what effect the filter had given the foreground is in focus in the top image and the background is in focus in the bottom image.

    Whatever the case may be we highly encourage you to shoot with the right filter for the shot.

    People often rely to heavily on photoshop filters after the fact but it’s never quite the same as shooting with a real filter.

    Sorry for the delay and we’ll see you on the next assignment!

    Btw, Australia is great!


    Awesome! thanks for the info. I will be able to practice and play around with it this weekend. I’m glad Australia was great! :mrgreen:

    Duncan Rawlinson

    We’re still here in Australia! 🙂


    Oh wow! that’s awesome!!!! will we get to see some of your photos???

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I’m about 22000 photos behind on processing so don’t hold your breath 😉

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