polarizing filter

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  • #18244

    Photo of a swan on green water under hard light. The polarizing filter helped mitigate the reflection on the water and prevented an overexposed swan. exposure time: 1/1000; F number: 5.6.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hello Polarizer!

    Here’s the assignment on this one:

    Lesson 4: Assignment
    Assignment Title: Your favorite filter

    Every photographer has their favorite filter. Photographers who prefer black and white photography often use color filters while photographers who enjoy color photography often use gray gradual or polarizing

    filters. Based on which filter interests you most, purchase a filter for your camera and take any photograph of your choice to test out the effects that the filter has on your work.

    Now a polarized filter pretty much takes and light that isn’t going straight into the sensor and shoots it out the side (away from your sensor).

    The main thing I use polarizing filters for is to eleminate reflections. It will also knock down the amount of light coming into the lens.

    You’ve pretty much used this filter for those exact two reasons and you’ve done exactly what the assignment called for.

    White swans on dark water in white hot light is a tough thing to shoot but you’ve done quite well although the swan is still a bit hot.

    There isn’t really much for me to critique on this one because you’ve fulfilled the goals of the assignment exceedingly well.

    Nice work.

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