The Age of Aquarius

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    “Photography is the language of our souls” said Jerry Gay, a photographer who was able to capture on film the truly heroic saints among those of us who appeared to live ordinary lives in ordinary places. Primarily Jerry Gay is a Black and White photographer. To him the visual context of the subject is best conveyed without the visual clutter of colors to distract from the point he is trying to make. He achieved many awards during his career, and was named regional Photographer of the year in 1974, 1975, 1976 and 1977 by the national press.

    What inspires me most about this artist is his dedication to explore both human and spiritual life in black and white photography. It’s true that photography is the language of our souls. His pictures make us travel beyond the obvious and capture the true essence of humanity and make us remember who we are. It can make you smile, laugh or even cry. Jerry doesn’t just take a picture, but he give the people the utter respect and see them the way they want to be seen. In the end, together, they come up with the perfect picture they both wanted. It is true photography is the translation to who we really are, and especially Black and White photography.

    Jerry Gay was awarded the Pulitzer Prize while he was still working at the Seattle Times at age 28 in 1975. This prize winning photograph entitled, “Lull in the Battle” pictures a fireman battling a house fire. Not the only the picture is dramatic, but it also shows the courage and the dedication that this fireman showed. It speaks for humanity during the a time when his country was going through the Vietnam War. Jerry Gay’s purpose from this picture was to make people go back and remember who they really are and show that people still care and love each other no matter how hard or bad life goes.

    I think his overall theme of exploring human behavior and capturing it on film is just brilliant. His purpose as a photographer is simple… It speaks about love and family. Jerry’s message to the people is to inspire and to ease away problems, stop worrying and put aside judgment of self and others, and remember that we were all created equally in the creators image.

    Being born in a small country called Lebanon, it’s not hard to be inspired by a photographer like Jerry Gay. I lived 23 years of my life going through war, and watching people suffer including my family. Coming from a third world country I never thought I can have a chance to become a photographer, its something I always loved to do but never had the chance to do it. Now I have this chance and I am going to take it. Jerry Gay said “When we reach out and embrace our neighbors we see pictures that enhance everyday life in our own international community” if I can start achieving that, then I think I would have achieved something I worked really hard for, and not just to make my life better but the life of the people around me too.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Great write up. I really enjoyed reading that. I must agree that “behavioural photography” is some of the most inspiring photography out there. Capturing that decisive moment is every photographers dream. It’s amazing when some photographers find a way to capture those decisive moments over and over again.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.

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