What Camera Do You Use?

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  • #18494
    Duncan Rawlinson

    Just wondering what kind of gear you guys are using.

    I shoot with a Canon 5d MK II primarily:


    What are you guys shooting with?


    Hi ๐Ÿ™‚ just found this post. I’m back from a period of absence since I was unable to do assignment 3 , i.e. shutter speed and aperture because of my camera. Well fortunately my camera finally broke and I was able to buy a new one! I finally decided on a Sony NEX 5 because it’s lightweight and has interchangeable lenses, though I really hesitated on the Nikon G2. I thought I’d shoot more with something i can stick in my purse. I’ve got the 16mm and the 18 to 55mm. I feel already like I could use a longer lens. Oh well, who knows, maybe one day I’ll be such an enthusiast I’ll have to plunge into some pro or semi-pro equipment!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    The Sony NEX 5 is a nice little camera.


    Before you get too invested in a camera like this make sure you can use the lenses on other bodies. That way you can switch bodies and not lose all the money you spent on the lenses.

    Are you happy with it?


    I bought a Pentax K-x after I started this class. I love it! great camera so far! everyone comments on the color… I bought the white one. I also purchased the 55-300 lense extra.

    Do you all use an external flash or different filters? if yes, what do you prefer???

    Duncan Rawlinson

    The Pentax K-X is an interesting camera.

    You don’t see many white DSLRs out there like this:


    Are you happy with it?

    re: flash. I try to avoid using the flash as much as possible. in fact these i’m traveling and I don’t even bring one. of course that’s because my camera does very well in low light.

    i would recommend you get an external speedlite for your hotshoe.


    I love my Pentax so far! it’s awesome!!!!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    How come you went with a Pentax? If you don’t mind my asking?

    Was it the color? ๐Ÿ˜‰


    I had 3 choices…. Pentax, Nikon, or Canon. I have always owned Canon Camera’s and have loved every one of them. The Pentax had the most mega pixels at approximately 12.4 and honestly, it was on sale and came with the 55-300 lens. it was buy the camera with the 18-55 lens and get the 55-300 lense for free!!!! I couldn’t pass it up. this style “the K-x” comes in about 8 colors! i do get a lot of comments on the color. So maybe that did have something ๐Ÿ˜‰ to do with it too! LOL! The reviews also said that The K-x is the perfect camera for first-time digital SLR camera users, as well as an ideal backup camera for more experienced photographers. I still have a ton of reading to do with the camera’s manual. A lot to teach myself with the internal menu! Mega overload at times!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ But when you love doing something as I do with my picture taking… it’s not hard to sit and learn because i’m enjoying myself in the process!!!!! I am really enjoying my class too! You are a great teacher! Thank You!!! :mrgreen:

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Thanks for kind words. You’ve been one of my favorite students so far.

    Good to hear that you like the Pentax. It would be great if they could make a comeback and give canon/nikon a run for their money.

    I also like that they’ve trying new things like color. I know black is technically the best color for a camera but who cares! Color is fun!


    Hi! Greetings for a very good day!

    I very recently bought a Nikon D3000 which came with the default 18-55mm Lens. I also bought Sigma 70-300 mm lens and I am beginning to love using it. Currently I am using it like a “point and shoot” and a bit of zooming and hope to fully tap the potential of the camera as I proceed along the course. I am very new to photography but on a journey that had always enchanted me. I hope I learn! ๐Ÿ™‚


    Best Rgds


    I recently purchased a Canon T3i body with an upgraded 18-55 lens. Also have a 70-300 telephoto. The display screen on this camera can rotate and fold in so I don’t scratch it! Yay.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hey @sevcat

    This is the perfect camera for someone getting into photography. Check out the reviews on it.


    My current camera is a Canon G11. It’s pretty easy to carry around while traveling. http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canong11/

    I’m starting to do some research for my 1st DSLR…so many, maybe too many options!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I can help you pick a dslr.

    Send a note to office@photographyicon.com



    Hey there Mr. D… hope you are doing well. If I have a chance to buy a Canon EOS Rebel T3i… and it comes with the 18-135 lens. Is this a good choice? I’ve read a lot about it, and it seems to be quite an upgrade for me. BUT just not sure. any advice would be helpful!!! Thanks and have a great day!

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