What do you want to learn about?

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  • #18187
    Duncan Rawlinson

    I thought I’d open the forum up a bit for discussion instead of having it be purely about the lessons…

    I’ll start things off here by asking you guys what you want to learn about.

    We’re looking to update the course material in the next few months and add some new stuff.

    Are there any new techniques you want to learn? HDR? Focus stacking? Some post processing stuff?

    Let us know!


    Duncan Rawlinson

    Anybody have any thoughts??? (I think hear crickets around here lol)


    Haha! No more Crickets!

    Of course I have something I want to learn… :mrgreen:

    what about the black and white photo’s that you can pull color from. I know my camera will do the color extract, but sometimes it just doesn’t seem to pull that much color. Is it the lighting?

    I also was wondering about computer programs for editing. Do you have a preference? for instance, I was looking at the FX home on Photokey 4 pro completed kit? it’s pretty pricey, but would come with everything I would need for pursuing my interest in photography.

    Aslo, did I ever ask if you have a Facebook “like” button for PhotographyIcon? I facebook more than I twitter. Just wondering. :mrgreen:

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I’m not sure what you mean by extracting color from black and white photos. Maybe you can upload an attachment as an example and I will help you.

    My favorite photo editing program is photoshop. It’s a bit pricey but it’s worth it!

    I’ll have to setup a facebook page!


    Me again… So I’ve attached 2 photos. one I set my camera to extract the yellow from the flower and the other I set my camera to blue and it pulled blue. But here is what I was wondering. I’ve seen pictures before where there is a person standing and they are all in color but the whole background picture is b&w. do you think that is done with the computer and not the camera or are there special filters to do that? :mrgreen:

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Most people do this using a photo editing software.

    Like this:


    Does this help you?

    As always, I’m here to help if you want to learn more.


    I am new to the course, but I am interested in a number of different post-processing ideas as well as learning how to shoot and create HDR images. The post processing software I have been using is photoshop elements 9. I really like it so far and it’s pretty reasonably priced (particularly if you have an educator discount). But I’m still a baby to it and don’t really know what all it can do. ❓

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I hope to put together some resources on how to shoot HDR photographs and add that as an extra module on the course.

    In the meantime there are plenty of resources available online for this.

    Here is one:

    If you email me I “might” be able to help you get some HDR software for free.
    office@photographyicon.com 😉

    If you’re going to get serious about photography I would recommend that you get into using Adobe Lightroom.

    You can get it here.

    It’s a fantastic application.

    Here are some photoshop elements tutorials for you:



    I would have loved if you had another courses to offer. It could be a general advanced course with topics similar to lessons we go though right now, but in more depth. Or, it could be a class targeting specific type of photography, i.e. landscape photography, portrait photography, or, creative use of light…

    I’m not sure if my advice is realistic, because I’m certain that it’s very time consuming to develop and maintain these courses.. Well, it’s just a thought…

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Elana,

    It is quite time consuming.

    The other day I had a bit of spare time and I created the “painting with light” module.


    Maybe I can put something like that together for landscape photography.


    I would like to learn more about using custom white balance. I can never seem to get it right and after watching a friend work with it on a day when her pictures should have had crazy hot spots and blown out sky, it made a HUGE difference!

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