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  • in reply to: Assignment 10 – Lake Bohinj #20769

    Great advice. I’m getting a huge amount out of this course. I guess now I’m onto the portfolio assignment, but perhaps I’ll spend some time to take more photos before I do that.

    Have a good weekend!

    in reply to: Assignment 10 – Lake Bohinj #20767

    Well, I certainly did take my time to get back to this, so hopefully my second attempt is a little more successful.

    Now I was out at the golden hour for this one, but the weather wasn’t offering me any gold. So instead I found the bleak mist across the lakes and hills quite beautiful and serene and hopefully I managed to capture that here. Perhaps I’m taking too much of a risk breaking the rules when you’ve given me such simple and great advice to follow, but I like to experiment so nothing to lose!

    But here is another one that I took a few weeks ago early in the morning when it was -4C, the sun was just coming up and the golden hour was living up to its name.

    in reply to: Assignment 11 – Digital Darkroom #20775


    I’d been wanting to create something like this for a while and I think it turned out pretty well. I might just print it out! 馃槈

    in reply to: Assignment 10 – Lake Bohinj #20765

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I think what I have been struggling with in landscape photography is distancing myself from the experience of being there and looking at the images objectively. But now that I’ve identified this, fingers crossed I can look at things from a better perspective.

    I’ll shoot something else and re-submit if you dont mind.



    in reply to: B&W #20622

    Cool. I think it often takes me a lesson or two before earlier lessons sink in!

    You’re critique on high ISO has been repeated several times since the beginning, and is down to the fact that I like shooting in low light and simply didn’t have a tripod. However, I finally bought one yesterday, so I’ll start using it going forward 馃檪

    Not sure if I have Lightroom 3 – I have CS5 so I’ll check if I have that.

    in reply to: Hard and Soft Light #20589

    Oh yeah, I think I understand the distinction better after that feedback. In fact, I now see that it isn’t black and white, but actually there are many varying degrees of hardness/softness as shown in your example.



    in reply to: Lesson 6: Basic Composition #20557

    I totally agree! 馃槈

    I’m taking my time with the next one!

    in reply to: Lesson 5: Colour Theory #20526

    Woah! Didn’t expect to get such a rave review, but I’m really happy that you think I’m progressing so well 馃榾

    I think I’m going to have to spend some time studying that photo so that I can thoroughly learn the elemtns that make it so good, so that I keep make sure that it wasn’t just a fluke! hehe

    I love those photos you took. Especially the last one with the fishing nets on the wall. Those textures are incredible. I’ll have to go back and explore some more!! 馃槈

    in reply to: Filters: Polariser and Neutral Density #20444

    Thanks Duncan. I’ve been using the polariser a lot over the last few days and have started to understand it better. Thanks for the feedback 馃檪

    in reply to: Filters: Polariser and Neutral Density #20442

    I’ve sent you an email. Seems to be an issue with the new forum. It wouldn’t let me post attachements under my username 100258 and asked me to enter a new one, so I did! Probably a temporary glitch. Anyway, I look forward to your feedback.

    in reply to: Lesson 3: Up the mountain #20372

    Yeah that lead room concept is really interesting. Thanks

    With the exposure I was referring to the long shutter speed in sunny conditions. I got around it by finding a shady spot in the woods, but if that wasn’t an option could I use a nuetral density filter or something?

    Actually, I just read lesson 4 and I think that answers my question.

    in reply to: May 2011 Photography Competition #20308


    Here is my entry. It is a deserted alleyway, at the back of a local park.

    in reply to: Inspiration: Peter Lik #20370

    Yeah, absolutely from a personal point of view my aim would be to be able to shoot landscapes like Peter Lik. I’d also like to explore architectural photography in the long term as architecture is an interest of mine and it might fit in well with our business further in the future.

    I’ve been to Australia a few times as my brother now lives there. We spent the whole of last year there and had a great time 馃檪 We’re going again later this year so hopefully I can come back with much better pictures this time!

    Just one question. I know we might cover this later, but do you think photographers like Peter Lik use photographic filters while shooting, or can these sorts of colours be achieved naturally if you know how?

    By the way, thanks for the example photos of the tissue boxes. I’d been trying to take some that captured the texture of the tissue like the ones you linked to, but haven’t quite cracked it yet.

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