How To Get Rid of Gray Hair in Photoshop

Removing gray hair using Photoshop is a great way to give yourself a digital hair dye. As with most Photoshop techniques, the trick is to make your changes without making the photograph appear unnatural. In the above photograph notice how I removed most of the gray hair from the man’s head but there are still … Read more

How To Remove Wrinkles in Photoshop

Removing wrinkles from a person in a photograph is a fairly easy process. There are different ways of getting rid of wrinkles in a photograph but the best way (and the easiest way) I’ve found is to use the “spot healing brush tool” (see below). Other ways leave noticeable blur marks and are more time … Read more

Removing Skin Blemishes With Photoshop

Cleaning up small and large skin blemishes in Photoshop is an incredibly easy process. It’s actually quite fun to do as well because you have complete control over how much you clean up the skin in the photograph. Unlike retouching the entire area of skin, cleaning up blemishes requires no Photoshop filters or layer masks. … Read more

Retouching Skin in Photoshop. Making Bad Skin Look Good

Here is a quick Photoshop tutorial on how to make bad skin look great. Retouching skin is not a simple task. You can easily overdo it and make the skin look unnaturally airbrushed and almost cartoonish. That being said, with some care and a few practice runs you’ll be touching up skin in your photographs … Read more

Enroll In Our Online Photography Course

Icon Photography School is an online photography school that specializes in teaching new and experienced photographers how to take professional photographs. What you will learn Our interactive online photography course is composed of 11 comprehensive lessons that will provide you with a strong foundation on which to build your personal photography portfolio. This course curriculum … Read more

How To Frame A Photograph

If you’re relatively new to photography you have undoubtedly had difficulties properly framing a photograph. This is not something that only happens to amateur photographers, it is a problem that all photographers face no matter of their experience levels. However, some elements of photographic framing become second nature to you after a while. Meaning as … Read more

Essential Add Ons For Photographers.

If you are looking for a new way to boost your photography portfolio’s impressiveness you may want to consider looking into buying new lenses or filters. These add ons can range in price from $10 to thousands of dollars but there are a few “must have” add ons for your digital and film cameras. While … Read more

What is the difference between a digital camera and a digital SLR camera?

The other day I was in a camera shop and overheard a customer talking with a store clerk about the differences between digital cameras and digital SLR cameras. I have both and use both for varying reasons. But it was nevertheless interesting to hear how store employees tried up-selling a digital SLR (Single Lens Reflex) … Read more

Best digital camera for under $100

In my last blog post of this sequence I’m going to highlight what I think the best digital camera is for under $100 (See also: under $200 and under $300). While most consumer cameras range in the $200 – $500 range there are nevertheless good options available for digital cameras that are less than $100 … Read more

Best Digital Camera for Under $200

I’ve already received some responses from my last post about the best camera on the market right now for under $300 and I’ve been inspired to write another article on the best camera for less than $200. After speaking with people and reading reviews online I’ve concluded that one of the best value for money … Read more