Grade 1 Photography Lesson Plan: “Discovering Photography”

Students will understand the basics of photography, explore creative expression through images, and learn how to capture photos using simple techniques.

Lesson Plan Overview

Title: Introduction to Photography for Kids
Grade Level: 1
Duration: 60 minutes
Key Skills: Observation, Creativity, and Basic Photography Techniques
Materials Needed:

  • Smartphone or tablet cameras (one per 3-4 students)
  • Printed examples of photographs (landscapes, portraits, animals, objects)
  • Toy props or classroom objects

Lesson Breakdown

1. Warm-Up Activity (10 minutes)

Goal: Familiarize students with photography as an art form.

  • Discussion: “What is photography?”
    • Ask questions:
      • “Have you seen someone take a photo?”
      • “What do you like about pictures in books or on phones?”
  • Show examples of different types of photographs and explain briefly (landscapes, family pictures, animals).
  • Highlight the concept of storytelling through pictures.

2. Introduction to Camera Basics (15 minutes)

Goal: Teach students how to use simple camera functions.

  • Demonstration:
    • How to hold a camera or phone (focus on steady hands).
    • Locate the camera button on a smartphone/tablet.
    • Introduce “zoom in/out” and discuss how close or far an object looks.
  • Activity:
    • Let students practice taking a picture of their desk or a nearby object.
    • Encourage them to focus on making their picture clear.

3. Creative Photography (20 minutes)

Goal: Encourage creativity by photographing everyday objects.

  • Themed Activity: “Capture Your Classroom”
    • Provide toy props or classroom objects for students to arrange in fun ways.
    • Assign mini-tasks:
      • Take a photo of something red.
      • Find an object that makes you happy and take a picture of it.
      • Capture a picture of your friend’s favorite toy.
  • Discuss what makes their picture interesting (color, size, or story).

4. Review and Feedback (10 minutes)

Goal: Reflect on their photography experience.

  • Gallery Walk:
    • Display the photos on a screen or print them.
    • Let students share what they took and why they chose it.
  • Feedback:
    • Praise creativity, effort, and focus.
    • Highlight moments where students used interesting angles or ideas.

Homework/Extended Learning

Encourage students to take 3 photos at home of their favorite things (e.g., a toy, pet, or family member) and bring them to the next class to share.